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Only Pathway Directly to Singapore PR

The Global Investor Programme (GIP) accords Singapore Permanent Resident status (PR) to eligible global investors who intend to drive their businesses and investment growth from Singapore. You will need to have a substantial business track record and successful entrepreneurial background to qualify.

Eligibility of Application


Established Business Owners

a) You must possess at least 3 years of entrepreneurial and business track record;

 b) You should currently be running a company1 with an annual turnover of at least S$200 million in the year immediately preceding your application, and at least S$200 million per annum on average for the three years immediately preceding your application; 

c) If your company is privatelyheld2, you should have at least 30% shareholding in the company;


Next Generation Business Owners

a) Your immediate family should have at least 30% shareholding or is the largest shareholder in the company you use to qualify;

b) This company’s annual turnover must be at least S$500 million in the year immediately preceding your application, and at least S$500 million per annum on average for the three years immediately preceding your application; 

c) You must be part of the management team of the company (e.g. C-suite / Board of Directors);


Founders of Fast Growth Companies

a) You must be a founder and one of the largest individual shareholders of a company with a valuation of at least S$500 million; 

b) Your company must be invested into by reputable Venture Capital /Private Equity firms;


Family Office Principals

a) You must possess at least 5 years of entrepreneurial, investment or management track record; 

b) You must have net investible assets of at least S$200 million.

Interested In Global Investor Programme?

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